eOrder2. Improve productivity.

Short of waiting staff? eOrder2 is an automated customer order and payment system. Featuring a rich graphical user interface, empower your customers to select products quickly and easily.

Unlimited products and categories.

Add or modify products and categories easily. eOrder2 also supports time-restricted product availability. Never accidentally order breakfast during lunch again!

Customizable orders. Say goodbye to mistakes.

Delight your customers by allowing them to modify their orders within eOrder2. Kopi-siew-dai or Kopi-O Gao Gao. Anyway you want it.

Payment. Just like a real cashier.

Never run short of change again. Cash or cashless, eOrder2 has it all! eOrder2 features a fully recyclable cash and coins system. All accepted notes and coins are available as change for the next transaction.

Cash or Cashless.

We have it all covered.

Payment Mode

Periodic report generation. Understanding business performance.

Easy access to Sales Report, Top Performing Products, Purchase and Payment Report as well as Inventory Report among many others with our Management Report Module.

Periodic Report Generation

Seamless integration with MPOS2 & Kitchen Module. Increased business volume? No Sweat.

Increase checkout capacity without having to hire another staff. Customers will have the option to modifiy their order such as kopi-siew-dai straight to the kitchen. No more wrong order.

Payment Mode

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